Martin Sixsmith è stato corrispondente della BBC, trascorrendo cinque anni a Mosca durante le presidenze di Mikhail Gorbaciov e Boris Eltsin e quattro anni a Washington. Ha lavorato come Direttore delle Comunicazioni nel governo di Tony Blair. Tra i suoi libri ricordiamo Moscow Coup (1997); The Litvinenko File (2008); Russia, the Wild East (2011); Putin’s Oil (2012), The War of Nerves (2021) e Putin and the Return of History (2024). Dal suo libro Philomena è stato tratto un film candidato all’Oscar nel 2013.
Martin Sixsmith was a BBC correspondent, spending five years in Moscow during the presidencies of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, and four years in Washington. He worked as Director of Communications in the government of Tony Blair. Books include Moscow Coup (1997); The Litvinenko File (2008); Russia, the Wild East (2011); Putin’s Oil (2012), The War of Nerves (2021) and Putin and the Return of History (2024). His book Philomena was made into an Oscar-nominated film in 2013.